Chatomari/Current projects

Created Wed, 01 Jan 2025 12:51:14 +0000 Modified Fri, 10 Jan 2025 01:25:10 +0000
528 Words

In the last couple of years I have been finally able to spend more time on single projects.
So this list is a bit better than a sorrow enumeration of abandonments and regrets.

Bigger software projects


I am the main contributor of vs.fltk a native & lightweight runtime for UI applications.
It is built around the idea of XML single file components, with many choices of languages to use as embeddable scripts.
You can think of it as some sort of what-if universe where Vue or Svelte avoided the bloat of webkit, XHTML won the format war and XSLT still stands strong.
And “electron” just stands for type of particle.


I am a contributor of txiki, a JS runtime based on quickjs.
I also have a fork with additional features not merged on upstream, featuring a plugin system and several of them for embedded tasks.

Small utilities

Over the years, I worked on many small utilities and libraries.
They are mostly side-projects which were/are meant to be used inside another one, but since they retain some marginal utility I decided to make them available.


A template preprocessor for XML files, written in XML and using XML data as input.
It also includes an RPN stack-based language to perform more complex operations in it.


A headless client of comfyui. It is designed to run on the bun typescript runtime.
comfy-bun allows to:

  • express complex workflows as code
  • parametrize it
  • introduce automation, performing batch generations and exposing lifetime hooks for custom events.

3D Printing

I have a strong interest in 3D printing and its industrial applications. I have not done a good job of documenting what I do or work on


A CLI tool to simplify the deployment of klipper instances on low power devices.

Klipper mod for Flashforge 5M

I am one of the main contributors of the firmware mod to run unrestricted klipper on the flashforge adventurer 5m/pro.

Gluegun Firmware

Custom experimental firmware. Details to be written.

New brain for my Flsun Q5

Nothing special, and sadly only the final klipper configuration and firmware are documented.
Well, aside for a much more capable 3d printer on my desk.
By the way, if you find yourself with the same board not working after trying to update from an older version of klipper, fret not!
Replacing it is not needed, you can just buy an STLINK programmer from aliexpress and restore the original firmware before upgrading klipper.
It is likely some of the older versions had the bootloader for this board broken by some wrong offset in the image.

Scientific Applications & Simulations

Mostly things I have been working on as part of my dissertations and the PhD program.
I would like to revise these more “sciency” projects at some point.


Structured Stochastic Models Integrating Layered Entities, aka SSMILE.
My stochastic simulator for pseudo-chemical and pseudo-biological systems with a coarse grained hyper-graph representation of the entities and a rule-based mechanism to represent pseudo-reactions at different scales.

Genome compression

Compression strategies for NGS reads, based on a pseudo-sequencing procedure.
AVX implementation for the critical parts, which was really not funny.

Game design

To be written.